House Culture

Discuss house culture in NYC vs other house cultures (chicago, UK, etc). And focus.

Discuss house dance culture today, and how it differs/relates. Maybe keep that separate.


Clubland: The Fabulous Rise and Murderous Fall of Club Culture

Last Night a DJ Saved My Life: The History of the Disc Jockey

Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970-1979

My Life and The Paradise Garage : Keep On Dancin'

Out of print. You can check if it's available at your local library.

Video Documentaries

Beatport listing

Top ten house documentaries (though it also covers the UK/Europe scene as well as some coverage of more recent DJs)

The Godfather of Disco: Mel Cheren of West-End Records


It's out of print, so too expensive now, but it's still available on Amazon.

Pump Up The Volume:

This page was last edited anonymously on 2014/03/15 22:29:33.